Who am i and what is this brand?
If you are here it means you want to know something more about this new and strange clothing brand... well, let's get started then!
This brand was born exactly in mid-2024, while I was thinking about how to create a job that would guarantee me a good monthly income but also leave me a certain creative freedom. This was my creation. That's when I thought about starting a clothing brand.
The perfect idea.
For about 8 months I worked day and night, creating, deleting, editing and recreating designs of my clothes, website, advertising videos and who knows what else... until I came up with what you see here. I did all of this completely alone to avoid being negatively influenced by the people around me.
Let's now move on to the motto of this brand (sincerity is our luxury) and the name (saint&bully). Well, you should know that initially this brand was supposed to be exactly like the others... give the idea of being a luxury brand, if you wear it you are someone or others think you are someone and all that other bullshit. But then I thought "yes, of course I want people to wear my clothes but not because it automatically makes you someone, but because the brand has its own meaning". And there I understood that to stand out I had to do something that few in this environment had done... be sincere. And here we come to my motto. I wanted to be blind to this brand, to myself but above all to you. I didn't want to foist on you the usual brand of clothing passed off as luxury when in reality there's nothing luxurious about it. But I wanted to create a true and sincere brand that made its sincerity its strong point.
A small dream that is slowly becoming reality and which I know will become something much bigger in the future. In the meantime, thank you for making it this far and thank you so much for your support.